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  • Writer's pictureHigh Altitude Baker

For the "best ever" pumpkin pie you'll want a classic recipe that's creamy and perfectly spiced...

Updated: Dec 29, 2023

Hello everyone in the high altitude baking world!

Thank you for visiting my site! I can't stress this enough: to really know your oven's temperature, you need a thermometer. And to accurately tell if your baked goods are perfectly done, you must check their internal temperature.

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Happy Baking Vic”Tori”a @ 8750’

For the "best ever" pumpkin pie, you'll want a classic recipe that's rich, creamy, and perfectly spiced. Here's a highly-rated and delicious pumpkin pie recipe:



For the Pie Filling:

  • 1 15-ounce can of pure pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling)

  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar

  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

  • 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg

  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger

  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

  • 2 large eggs

  • 1 cup evaporated milk

  • 1 Tablespoon pure vanilla extract

For the Pie Crust:

  • 1 prepared 9-inch pie crust (store-bought or homemade)


  1. Preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C).

  2. Prepare your pie crust and place it in a 9-inch pie dish. You can use a store-bought crust or make your own. If you make your own, you can pre-bake it for about 10 minutes to help prevent a soggy bottom crust.

  3. In a large mixing bowl, combine the pumpkin puree, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, and salt. Mix well.

  4. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and then add them to the pumpkin mixture. Stir until well combined.

  5. Gradually add the evaporated milk and vanilla extract to the pumpkin mixture. Stir until the filling is smooth.

  6. Pour the pumpkin pie filling into the prepared pie crust.

  7. Place the pie in the preheated oven and bake for 15 minutes.

  8. Reduce the oven temperature to 350°F (175°C) and continue baking for an additional 40-50 minutes. The pie is done when a knife inserted into the center comes out clean. The edges may puff up and crack slightly.

  9. Once the pie is done, remove it from the oven and let it cool on a wire rack.

  10. Allow the pie to cool completely, and then refrigerate it for a few hours or overnight. This will help the flavors meld and set the pie properly.

  11. Serve chilled with a dollop of freshly whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

This classic pumpkin pie recipe should give you a rich, flavorful, and well-spiced pie that's perfect for your holiday gatherings.

Here are some different styles of pumpkin pie:

  1. Traditional Pumpkin Pie: This is the classic version of pumpkin pie, typically made with a spiced pumpkin filling in a pie crust. The spices often include cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and cloves.

  2. Deep-Dish Pumpkin Pie: A deep-dish pumpkin pie has a thicker layer of filling and is often baked in a deeper pie dish. It's perfect for those who want extra pumpkin flavor.

  3. Pecan-Topped Pumpkin Pie: In this variation, chopped pecans are sprinkled on top of the traditional pumpkin pie before baking, adding a delicious crunch and nutty flavor.

  4. Caramel Pumpkin Pie: Some recipes incorporate a layer of caramel at the bottom of the pie crust before adding the pumpkin filling, creating a sweet and gooey layer.

  5. Chocolate Swirl Pumpkin Pie: This style combines chocolate and pumpkin flavors. A chocolate layer is swirled into the traditional pumpkin filling for a delightful twist.

  6. Maple Pumpkin Pie: Maple syrup is used as a sweetener in the filling, giving the pie a unique and slightly different sweetness compared to traditional sugar.

  7. Gingersnap Crust Pumpkin Pie: Instead of the typical pie crust, a gingersnap cookie crust is used, adding a spicy and flavorful twist to the dessert.

  8. Cream Cheese Pumpkin Pie: Cream cheese is blended with the pumpkin filling to create a creamy and luscious texture, often with a graham cracker crust.

  9. Streusel-Topped Pumpkin Pie: A streusel topping made from a mixture of sugar, flour, butter, and sometimes nuts is added to the pie, creating a sweet and crunchy contrast to the smooth filling.

  10. Vegan or Gluten-Free Pumpkin Pie: These variations cater to dietary restrictions. Vegan pumpkin pies use plant-based ingredients, while gluten-free versions use alternative flours or crusts that are free of gluten.

  11. Mini Pumpkin Pies: Instead of one large pie, mini pumpkin pies are made in individual servings, often in muffin tins or mini pie dishes.

  12. Custard-Like Pumpkin Pie: Some recipes call for extra eggs and heavy cream, resulting in a denser, custard-like texture.

  13. Chai-Spiced Pumpkin Pie: Chai spices, such as cardamom, cloves, and black tea, are used to flavor the filling, giving it a warm and aromatic profile.

These are just a few of the many styles and variations of pumpkin pie that you can explore and enjoy. Pumpkin pie is a versatile dessert, and you can get creative with ingredients and flavors to suit your taste.



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